One question...

Theme: Symbol, component in schematic

How can I select single elements of a symbol? E. g. if I just want to move the name of a symbol.
One of the great advantages of TARGET 3001! is the fact that symbols and packages once imported to schematic or layout still can be edited. Independently from the component data base. You only need to de-activate this button:
1 Image: Button in the sidebar released.

If the whole symbol is highlighted already, please press [ESC] in order to cancel the selection. Now you easily can drag and drop the element (e.g. the component name) to a different location. In a schematic symbol you might displace a pin and its name a bit to make it more convenient to read. The same in the layout. At a THT transistor you might displace the lead (=the pad) a bit if you'd like to route a piece of track through the leads. Or at a THT resistor you generally can change the distance of its soldering pads.

Besides: The same function please find in the context menu of the schematic window: Click M2 on a free spot of the schematic so that the context menu opens:
2 Image: Clicking M2 on empty space opens a context menu

Untick the box in the first lien at "Select entire component". Also in menu "Settings / Options" this function can be found. Radio button at the right hand side: " Select entire component".