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Changing of several different elements
Print, create PDF and TIFF
Pad, soldering point, via, plated-through hole
Track, conductor path
Signal trace, signal segment, trace, signal, net
Line, drawing
Triangle, polygon
Rectangle, filled rectangle, image, inscribed rectangle
Torus, arc, open circle, signal torus
Spline, curve, signal spline
Disc, node, filled circle, junction
Centering mark, fiducial
Pin, connection in schematic
Symbol, component in schematic
Package, component in PCB
XGerber and Excellon output, Sieb&Meyer, Gerber, photo plotter
Create a Bill Of Material (BOM)
Text, font, multiline text
Signal polygons, ground planes (V19+)
Create polygonal breadboard area
Via fence for RF shielding
3D MID Mechatronic interconnect device, printed circuit body
PCB outline, shape of the board, copper layers, layers
General use / display / view
Front panel
SPECCTRA / ELECTRA Auto router interface
Generate ICT Adapter (In-Circuit-Test)
Component database
Isolation milling
Reverse Engineering