How can I completely delete the package assignment for a component in the database?
I can easily assign a different package to a component. But how can I delete the assignment?
In fact, this process is not intended. You can try the following:
In the component browser, use M2 to open the context menu of the component and select this menu item:
(Fig. 1: Edit component drawing)
Select the symbol(s) of the component completely and type the [x] key for eXport. Now let TARGET know that you want to make additional changes:
(Fig. 2: Additional changes)
Then empty the property GEHAEUSENAME or PACKAGENAME if existing and -most important - empty the field "Package:" at the bottom of the dialog. Then click on [Save component] at the bottom right. In the following message box "Package proposal missing", click on [No]:
(Fig. 3: No package proposal)
Also answer the following question about a reference symbol with [No] if the component is not to be a reference symbol.
Then overwrite the existing component.
If you then use the component later in a project, it does not want to get a package, so everything works. However, the PROPOSED_PACKAGE property is still not empty.