One question...

Theme: Simulation

Error message "Timestep too small", what do I have to do?
First, of course, the normal errors are eliminated:
- Signal names with special characters, e.g. "+" and "-" are renamed.
- The SPICE models of all components are checked, especially the pin assignments
- Is the signal "GND" present?
- Are all parts of the circuit galvanically coupled? (No floating islands!)
Try "Use initial conditions" for the transient analysis!

We then recommend to first disassemble the circuit into smaller parts. It often helps to include very small resistors (milliohm) in signal paths and to connect signals to GND via very large resistors (megohm) and very small capacitors (nF). Such parasitic resistors and capacitors usually have little effect on the function, but make the circuit more realistic. Idealized circuits often don't start because the simulator can't find a reasonable entry. Then it decreases the step size more and more and at some point "Timestep too small" occurs.

Debugging simulations is not easy but feasible ;-)