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Theme: Pad, soldering point, via, plated-through hole

How can I change the size and shape of solder pads and the drill hole?
Always use packages from the database in your circuit. Never place individual solder pads! If you need a single solder pad, use the component/package "soldering pad" for example.

1) The package is already placed: In TARGET you can modify single elements of a package while it is already placed in the circuit. Select the solder pad(s) and type the [e] key to edit it. If the entire package is selected instead of the individual solder pads, you can see here how individual parts can be selected. Such changes have no effect on the package in the component database.

2) You edit an existing package in the database: Also select the solder pads and edit them with the key [e]. You can also double-click one solder pad after the other (M11). You must then select the package completely and eXport it to the database by typing the [x] key.

3) While editing a package, you want to define the solder pads to be placed in the future: Type key [1] and a solder pad will be linked as a phantom image at your cursor. Before you place it, type the [o] key, for options, to set the future shape and size.

For a leaded component (THT), a solder pad usually has a hole greater than zero. The layer is set to 100 (= on all copper layers). If a solder pad should not have a hole (SMD), set the hole diameter to zero and the layer to 16 (= copper top)!