One question...

Theme: Front panel

How can I create inwardly rounded corners on the outline of the front panel?
There should be inwardly rounded breakouts at all four corners of the front panel:

1 (Fig. 1: Inwardly rounded corners)

Answer: First set a reasonable grid, e.g. 0.1 mm
or 5 mil and then switch off "Always select entire component".Use the tool at the top left of the front panel toolbar to specify a basic rectangle. Then start with the first corner, e.g. bottom left:

2 (Fig. 2: Insert nook into corner).

Click the horizontal line and 3 small black boxes will appear on it. Click the black box on the left with M2 for the context menu. There select
"Insert nook into corner" and move the mouse inwards into you frontpanel. Regard the coordinates in the status bar at the bottom left:

3 (Fig. 3: Insert nook).

Then select the horizontal short line again and use the context menu of the right box for "Round

4 (Fig. 4: Round corner).

Now just enter the radius and you are done:

5 (Fig. 5: Result)

Do the same with the other corners. For the correct coordinates, please look at the bottom left of the status bar. You can also work with relative coordinates in each corner. For mechanical constructions,
catching coordinates is basically also helpful and the function Trim lines.