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Theme: Pin, connection in schematic

How can I give a name to a connection pin after the symbol has been placed to the schematic?
If a connection (pin) in the schematic does not have a name, it easily can be given afterwards.

1 (Image 1: Connector with a pin name missing

First check that "Select entire component" is deactivated.

Doubleclick on pin 2 [ M11 ] and in the dialog on button [Edit pin name]:

2 (Image 2: Change pin name)

Enter e.g. GND to the "Content" line. Confirm both dialogs by [OK]. The name appears and needs to be adjusted:

3 (Image3: Name to pin genereated)

You can displace the pin now by drag and drop [ M1h ]. When selecting it by the mouse consider to only move the name. The highlighted pin always highlights its name too. The highlighted name does not highlight the pin. Use [Esc] in order to give up the selection. Now click [ M1H ] on the name to displace it:

4 (Image 4: Done)

In the same way we can add the text "+9V" to pin number 1. To get rid of a name, you simply would highlight it and then delete it using key [Del].